Basic information

Step 1 of 21


How can I confirm residency?

    You need to provide a scan of one of the documents:
  • Statement from your personal bank account
  • Apartment bill, electricity, gas, water supply, fixed Internet, cable TV, fixed telephone. We cannot accept a mobile phone bill
  • Registration (registration), if it is indicated in your country. This may be a separate passport page with indicating your residential address. In this case, it is necessary to photograph both the passport page with your photo and the page with a residence permit (registration) in such a way that the passport number is visible on each of them
  • A letter from a state institution, for example, from the land service with the calculation of the land tax for the current year, from the social service about the assigned pension or benefit, a letter from the Ministry of Health, etc.
  • Tax declaration

The document must be no older than 3 months at the time of registration in Gekkard. This rule does not apply to registration (registration)